日別アーカイブ: 2021年8月20日

August 2021 Edition: Measures and Guidelines for Novel Coronavirus Infections

Dear customers/students/parents

Cross Culture Co.
Robodan Ota School / OES

August 2021 Edition:
Measures and Guidelines for Novel Coronavirus Infections

We value the safety of our customers and continuing education. We would like to thank you for your cooperation and understanding regarding the countermeasures against the new coronavirus, and we would like to ask for your cooperation and calm response by reviewing the situation-specific countermeasures to prevent the spread of infection at OES schools and Robodan Ota School (hereinafter referred to as “the school”).

1. Preventive measures at the school

① We check the temperature and physical condition of our teachers and staff (hereinafter referred to as “staff”), and if they have a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, we may conduct lessons remotely or with a substitute teacher.
② We will ensure that basic infection control measures are taken, such as keeping a safe distance between people, wearing masks, and hand washing. Ventilation and appropriate moisture retention should be implemented.
③ Vaccination is recommended for the staff, and is in progress.

2. Request for your cooperation

① Please be sure to wear a mask.
② Please refrain from attending the school if you have a cold, a fever of 37.5 degrees Celsius or higher, difficulty breathing, or if you feel lethargic.
③ If you experience any of the above symptoms after attending the school, please return home immediately. In the case of children, the staff may take their temperature or ask them to leave the school.
④ In order to avoid crowding, we may have to restrict the admission of non-students.

3. If you have any of the following conditions, please stop attending the school and resume attending only after your safety has been confirmed according to the instructions and advice of your doctor or health center

① If you have been diagnosed with a new coronavirus infection
② If you are found to be in close contact with a person infected with the new coronavirus
③ If a family member or a person living with you is found to be infected with the new coronavirus or to have been in close contact with an infected patient
④ When there is a suspicion of infection other than the above

4. Response by situation

A) If an infected person is among our staff or students, we may cancel face-to-face classes or close the school in accordance with the guidance from the public health center.
B) If any of our staff members or students are found to have been exposed to the virus, they will be suspended from attending classes until the period of stay at home is over.
C) If your school, kindergarten, class, grade, or workplace is closed, please refrain from attending the school during the closure period.

5. Other cases

•From the viewpoint of protecting personal information, we will keep the information about infected persons and those in close contact with them strictly confidential and will not provide it to anyone outside the company.
•In order to prevent prejudice and discrimination, please be considerate of infected persons, their families, and related persons.

6. If you miss a group lesson for any of the following reasons, depending on the class you are taking, we may be able to extend the deadline for the replacement lesson or offer a variety of replacement methods. Please ask Japanese staff for the details.

•In case of absence due to infection with the new coronavirus or due to close contact with an infected person.

•Absence due to school (class) closure in case a student who lives in an area where a state of emergency has been declared or who attends a school in the area will be absent

•In case of absence due to school (class) closure

※Please ask Japanese staff if you are taking private lessons or Robodan.

□Ota(main office):TEL:0276-47-0671 / 1303, Iida-cho, Ota city
□Iwasegawa :
TEL: 0276-46-8866 / 534-2, Iwase-cho, Ota city                   
□Nitta:TEL:0276-49-5478 / 388-1, Nittaichinoi-cho, Ota city          
□Oizumi : TEL: 0276-62-0885 / 2-16-20,Fuji,Oizumi-machi,Ora-gun   
□Tatebayashi:TEL: 0276-72-7676 / 4-11-34,Honmachi,Tatebayashi-city  


お客様/受講生/保護者様 各位




1. 当校での予防措置
① 講師・スタッフ(以下、職員とする)の検温および体調チェックを行っております。37.5度以上の発熱がある場合にはレッスンを外から遠隔(リモート)で、あるいは代行講師で行うなどの対応をする場合があります。
③ 職員にはワクチン接種を推奨し、順次接種を進めております。

2. ご協力のお願い
① 必ずマスクを着用下さい。
② 風邪の症状や37.5度以上の発熱がある場合、強いだるさ(倦怠感)や息苦しさ(呼吸困難)がある場合などは、通塾をお控えください。
③ 通塾後に上記の症状が現れた場合は速やかに帰宅願います。お子様の場合は講師・スタッフの判断により体温を測定したり、帰宅して頂く場合がございます。
④ 混雑の回避のため、場合によっては受講生以外の入場制限などの措置を執らせて頂きます。

3. 受講生の方が以下に当てはまる場合は通塾を中止し、医師や保健所の指示・助言などに従い安全が確認ができてから通塾を再開下さい。
① 新型コロナウイルス感染症と診断された場合
② 新型コロナウイルス感染者との濃厚接触者と認められた場合
③ 家族や同居する方に新型コロナウイルス感染やその濃厚接触が認められた場合
④ 上記以外で感染の疑いがある場合

4. 状況別対応
A) 当校の職員あるいは受講生に感染者が発生した場合
B) 当校の職員あるいは受講生が濃厚接触者と認められた場合
C) お通いの学校や園などで閉鎖(学級閉鎖、学校閉鎖等)となった場合


5. その他
● お客様から頂いた感染者や濃厚接触者の情報および弊社内でのそれらの情報については、個人情報保護の観点から秘密を厳守し社外には一切提供致しません。

6. 振替対応下記の理由によるグループレッスン欠席の場合は、受講クラスによっては、振替レッスンの受講期限の延長や振替方法の多様化などの対応を適宜致しますので、当校からの別途案内をご確認お願い致します。
● 緊急事態宣言発令中の地域にお住まいまたは対象地域の校舎にお通いの受講生が欠席する場合



今後、国や県、市町村の方針に伴い随時対応をご連絡させて頂きます。機会を見てOESのウェブサイト https://www.oes1.jp/ をご訪問頂ければ幸いです。

太田校(OES本部)  〒373-0851 群馬県太田市飯田町1303  電話:0276-47-0671
太田岩瀬川校     〒373-0841 太田市岩瀬川町534-2         電話:0276-46-8866
太田新田校           〒370-0314 太田市新田市野井町388-1  電話:0276-49-5478
大泉校                   〒370-0522 邑楽郡大泉町富士2-16-20  電話:0276-62-0885
館林校                   〒374-0024 群馬県館林市本町4-11-34  電話:0276-72-7676

☎︎太田校(総合受付) 0276-47-0671 受付10:00〜21:00(月〜金) 10:00〜18:30(土)